Operational systems must be integrated to provide visibility to your operation at all times. Whether you need to upload orders from a WMS or integrate with a vehicle tracking system for live updates, Paragon already has the integration work done for a large number of technology partners.

We have listed some of these partners below, but if you cannot find the one you are looking for, get in touch with one of our team.

Looking to integrate with OMS or WMS?

Our configurable interface management layer makes it easy to link with other business systems, such as SOP, WMS or ERP, with no additional Paragon software development. Some of the systems that Paragon has interfaced with include:

Need to integrate Telematics and Vehicle Tracking?

Our Aptean Live Planning Toolkit software offering is available with certified interfaces to market-leading vehicle tracking and telematics systems. It can even interact with more than one type of tracking technology at the same time. This is invaluable if you are using multiple tracking suppliers or bringing in spot-hire vehicles with different GPS units.

If you are considering using Aptean Live Planning Toolkit with another technology, please contact us first so we can check that the available interface is compatible with your hardware and software versions.

Our vehicle tracking partners include:

Mapping & Geocoding Technology

We work closely with a number of leading IT companies and map data suppliers. These technology partnerships illustrate the flexibility of our route optimization software and highlight our commitment to providing the most appropriate transport management solutions to customers.

Our technology partners include:

Interested in becoming a Paragon partner?

Our Strategic Partnerships Manager, David Shaw, works closely with our technology partners to ensure existing joint client satisfaction remains high.

Email David Shaw