Whether we like it or not Brexit has happened and the decision has been made to leave the EU. All companies prefer certainty to the unknown and there has been a broadly pessimistic response from the business community, with many rethinking their investment plans and growth strategies. However, now is not the time to get caught in the headlights, frozen by the doom and gloom, because this will only lead to a slowing of business activity and a damaging impact on the economy.

Successful SMEs like Paragon are now on the frontline, so it is crucial we take a business as usual approach, remain positive and work hard to help the UK deal with the fallout from Brexit. The technology sector itself is a major area of success in the UK for many years and is still well-placed to flourish while the UK shapes its political and economic future. If innovative, growing and aspirational companies such as ours remain focussed and keep their eye on the ball, we will continue benefitting the country by creating jobs and selling our products domestically, in Europe and to the rest of the world.

Paragon now has offices in the UK, United States and China, and our routing and scheduling software is being used in 61 countries. This year we have continued to boost our workforce with a number of new R&D, customer support and business development appointments in both Dorking and Hull, while expanding the use of our Technology Centre to drive innovation and sales growth. We are ready to step up, take the lead and do our bit for the UK economy, while helping our customers to remain competitive by reducing transport costs and raising the bar on customer service.

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