Ensure your drivers follow the Paragon approved plan

While the transport office can print out a route manifest for the driver, this can easily be ignored in favour of a driver’s preferred route, or the Sat Nav recommended route.

Paragon Waypoint Mapping feeds the Paragon plan into the driver’s Sat Nav device, guiding the driver turn by turn and helping to ensure that the actual route follows the planned route.

Once back in the depot, the transport office can review the plan versus actual during debrief, having a meaningful discussion about diversions from the planned route and updating future plans accordingly. Discrepancies between the plan and actual route can then be reduced.

Problems solved

  • Reduce the amount of slack required in your transport plan
  • Feed the Paragon plan direct into your Sat Nav devices
  • Provide drivers with full visibility of the optimised route
  • Guide drivers turn by turn through every decision waypoint
  • Ensure actual journeys more closely follow the planned route
  • Ensure risk assessed routes are followed
Get in touch to talk about Waypoint Mapping

Other Paragon Live modules that you can also benefit from

Aptean Live Planning Toolkit is the foundation of our Live modules. Once you can track actual versus planned with Live Planning Toolkit, you can also benefit from these other modules: