Manual contact between office and mobile teams can be time-consuming, lead to inaccurate reporting and cause delays in customer service follow up, or critical processes such as invoicing. The real-time data transmission between the fleXipod mobile application and central management console reduces the need for direct contact between mobile teams and office-based staff, improving operational efficiency and enhancing the customer delivery experience.

Real-time visibility

All of the data collected in the field by your mobile workers, including on-site and non-delivery operational information, is available for review in real-time within the fleXipod central management console. Allowing office-based staff to view this data in real-time reduces the need for them to contact field teams for job status updates, simplifying mobile workforce management and giving immediate visibility of the company’s delivery performance at all times.

Exception alerting

The fleXipod proof of delivery system can also immediately alert office-based staff to exceptions that are pre-defined as high priority issues. After receiving an alert, customer service staff can contact the customer directly with all of the necessary details at hand, rather than waiting for the driver to call later in the day. This ensures that any delivery issues are rectified quickly and increases customer satisfaction.

Automated instructions

Using the fleXipod system, operational managers can set up on-site workflows and expected data capture actions for any business specific circumstances. The fleXipod application will then guide mobile workers through the specified actions in each configured circumstance. This means that drivers do not need to call in to the office to receive instructions when encountering a delivery exception, conveying a professional and streamlined brand image to your customers. This can result in increased customer confidence and better delivery experiences.

Direct messaging

If office-based staff do need to send messages to drivers directly, they can do this from within the fleXipod portal without incurring any SMS costs. The fleXipod driver messaging functionality allows messages to be sent easily to individual drivers, selected groups, all users or attached to specific jobs. Receipt of messages is recorded so office teams will be able to confirm when each individual driver has read the message.

Get in touch with one of our team to see how the fleXipod system could help you improve communication between your office-based teams and mobile workers.

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