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Can a POD System Help My Business Manage the Easter Peak?

The Easter period represents a peak for many organisations; busy restaurants result in larger orders for food and drink distributors, school holidays fuel increased demand for fully stocked supermarket shelves and the 4-day weekend drives sales in garden and home improvement stores.

With weather playing a large role in dictating if it’s BBQ coals, ice cream or roast dinners that are in demand, this peak can be difficult to manage, with customer service and operational efficiency suffering as a result. However, proof of delivery systems can offer simple yet effective solutions to some of the problems associated with seasonal peaks without the investment and disruption associated with a large IT project.

Many proof of delivery apps are now designed to run on the Android operating system making them ideal for operations using subcontractors to supplement their workforce during seasonal peaks. Applications designed for the Android platform have user-friendly and familiar formats, can be easily downloaded onto a huge range of devices and often require little to no training, making it easier for temporary staff to get on and use them.

Advanced proof of delivery systems can also streamline key processes for both your mobile workers and office-based staff. Optimising operational efficiency can boost productivity and free up staff to better deal with increased workloads during peak periods. For example, smoother on-site procedures can increase the number of deliveries completed each day and automated customer communication can keep call volumes to a minimum.

For food and drink distributors, it is essential to make sure that all food service establishments are fully stocked over the Easter period. Ensuring staff have accurate, real-time delivery data with a proof of delivery system allows them to respond immediately to any discrepancies such as missing or damaged stock.

In addition, a proof of delivery app can guide delivery staff through your defined procedures ensuring that your products reach your quality standards every time. For example, if a mobile worker enters a temperature reading for a fresh product that does not fall within an acceptable range, advanced proof of delivery systems can force the driver to comply with business processes.

Ensuring customer satisfaction remains consistent throughout seasonal peaks can really differentiate your food and drinks distribution service, encouraging customer loyalty and increasing sales.

Get in touch with Paragon today to find out how a proof of delivery system can help you make the most of seasonal peaks rather than just survive them.

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