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6 Surprising Benefits of Implementing an ePOD System

When looking for an electronic proof of delivery system, most of our customers were in search of customer service improvements, increased real-time visibility of mobile activity or simply a more efficient way to capture signature proof of delivery. However, once up and running with fleXipod our customers often report a much wider range of benefits than first expected.

Here are a few benefits of implementing a proof of delivery system that may surprise you:

1. Reduction in customer queries

With automatic pre-delivery notifications, delivery confirmation functionality and a consumer-facing real-time delivery tracking portal, fleXipod keeps your customers informed about their order throughout the delivery process. This reduces the need for them to contact your service teams, reducing inbound call volumes for your staff and cutting wait times for customers with more complex enquiries. Find out how fleXipod can streamline your inbound customer query process

2. Increased workforce productivity

Manual data entry, large volumes of customer queries, and lengthy or complicated procedures can all be time-consuming for your staff. A proof of delivery system removes delivery paperwork and streamlines electronic processes increasing operational efficiency and workforce productivity in both mobile and office-based teams. Read more about the 5 ways a proof of delivery app improves mobile workforce productivity

3. Streamlined regulatory compliance procedures

The fleXipod proof of delivery system allows you to create bespoke data capture processes to cover regulatory compliance requirements your business may have, such as vehicle checklists or safety reports for specific products. The fleXipod mobile application makes it simple for your mobile workers to follow these processes ensuring the information you need is collected consistently. Learn more about how a proof of delivery system simplifies regulatory compliance procedures

4. Improved internal communication

Manual communication between office-based and mobile teams can be time-consuming and cause inefficiency in customer service and invoicing processes. With a proof of delivery system field data is transmitted in real-time to office-based teams, reducing the need for them to contact mobile workers for updates. The fleXipod system also supports simple direct messaging between office and mobile teams with no SMS costs. Read our blog post to find out how you can streamline internal communication with fleXipod

5. Tighter process control

The fleXipod system provides the ability to create bespoke workflows and data capture processes for different scenarios, products and mobile teams. Once created, the fleXipod application guides your mobile workers through these workflows with prompts to capture necessary data or take appropriate actions. This ensures that the correct processes are followed across your organisation whether it is your own employee or a third party contractor who is fulfilling the delivery. Discover how fleXipod can help you achieve process consistency in the field

6. Collection of non-delivery related data

Proof of delivery software does what it says on the tin – enables data capture at the point of delivery. However, the configurability of the fleXipod system means that all data capture processes are under your control and can be tailored to suit your business requirements. This means you can capture operational data like risk assessments, customer satisfaction surveys or accident reports. Find out how fleXipod helps improve the collection of field data

The fleXipod electronic proof of delivery system helps mobile workforces across a range of industries improve customer service, increase real-time visibility, streamline operational processes and manage mobile teams consistently. No matter which industry you operate in, the configurability of the fleXipod system ensures you can address your business specific challenges. Visit our press release section to find out how some of our current customers are using the fleXipod system to improve their delivery operations.

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